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Stockton Roofing - Are You Buying A New House?

When it comes to Stockton Roofing, many home buyers make the wise decision to have the roof inspected before buying, and I think its a good idea, but first there are a couple of important points to consider.


Did your realtor choose the inspector? Because undeniably, realtors have an agenda & that is to close the deal, otherwise they don’t get paid & most realtors have a network in place that will facilitate that end, however…If you were buying a used car & wanted it inspected first, would you have the person selling it to you do the inspection?


For the exact same reason, I highly recommend choosing your own inspector. There are several qualified inspectors in the area & the ones that charge a fee for their inspections do not need to sell you any repair work and have no stake in whether or not the deal closes.  They have already been paid, they are completely objective.


Here is what one customer said who hired the wrong “inspector”.


“Crooks, bait & switch. They quoted one thing and billed another and the work wasn’t complete, then they want you to pay $250.00 for a two year warranty for work they performed, something is wrong with this on top of it the owner of (roofing company) is a realtor! No wonder all realtors use this shoddy company for free inspections, before you use them watch your wallet and read more on yelp.”


My advice is to hire a licensed roof inspector to do the inspection & pay the fee. Then the inspection is done by qualified personnel with only 1 objective and that is to provide a thorough & accurate inspection. They are not there trying to get a job, they are there doing a job.

"We made they right choice when we chose Ron Williams to replace our roof."

Sham L., Stockton, CA
Stockton Testimonial Ron Williams' Certified Roof & Inspection
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