Roofing repairs and installations done by Ron Williams’ Certified Roof & Inspection are considered essential services during the Covid 19 Coronavirus situation. Please call us for any roofing needs you may have.
☎ Call (209) 252-0044
Stockton's Roofing Repair, Replacement & Installation Expert
CSL 628619
Why Should You Consider Certified Roof & Inspection for Shake Roofing Work?
We have developed an excellent shake roof repair and shake roof restoration program for those who are not ready to replace their roof yet.
Over the years the sun burns through the thin part of an underlying roof shake, leaving the felt exposed. This is the most common cause of failure of a shake roof and if not repaired, within months the sun will burn through the felt. The inside of the attic is exposed to the weather.

According to the Cedar Shingle & Shake Bureau (CSSB), application specifications for shakes, page 4, line 5 “Shakes shall be laid with a side lap of not less than 1 1/2 inches between joints in adjacent courses.”
This is not possible with shims under 3 inches wide like the ones to the left which were installed by others.
We use only #1 cedar shingles, and NEVER anything under three inches wide.

Before Roof Restoration
After Roof Restoration