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How To Repair Your Own Shake Roof.

Thirty Years Ago Shake Roofing was THE most popular residential roofing product in California.


15 Years ago those roofs began to wear out but there are  quite a few left. There is no question we still get a lot of calls for shake roof repair & many times the problem is something that could have been fixed for $20.00 – $30.00, however we cannot do it for that with overhead  etc. and I would really like to help those consumers that could do this without spending needless hundreds.


With that in mind, we are in the process of putting together a step by step guide on how to do minor roof repairs,  that will hopefully help homeowners avoid unnecessary repair expenses, so stay tuned in the weeks to come!



"We made they right choice when we chose Ron Williams to replace our roof."

Sham L., Stockton, CA
Stockton Testimonial Ron Williams' Certified Roof & Inspection
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